About Gerard Costa, Ph. D.
Selected Publications Pertaining to Infant/Child Mental Health/Autism
Nenide, L.S., Sweeney, K., Corso, R., Costa, G. and Horen, N.M. (Eds). (2025). Uniting Infant Mental Health and
the Pyramid Model: Connecting Principles and Practices to Improve Outcomes. Baltimore, MD: Brookes
Costa, G. (2025). Professional formation in infant and early childhood mental health and the pyramid model:
Ways of knowing, doing and being-with. In Nenide, L.S., Sweeney, K., Corso, R., Costa, G. and Horen,
N.M. (Eds). Uniting Infant Mental Health and the Pyramid Model: Connecting Principles and Practices to
Improve Outcomes. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Costa, G (2023). Foreword. In Garofallou, L., & Silva, L. An At-Home Guide to Children’s Sensory and Behavioral Problems: Qigong Sensory Treatment for Parents & Clinicians. Taylor & Frances.
Costa, G., Foley, G. and Stallings-Sahler, A. (2023). Child with sensory processing disorder (SPD): Sensory under-responsivity (SUR) disorder. In K. Mulrooney, M. Keren and J. Osofsky (Eds.). DC:0-5 Casebook. Zero to Three: Washington, DC.
Blanck, E.J., Foley, G.M. and Costa, G. (2022). Start spreading the news: New York State’s DC:0-5 Initiative. Zero to Three Journal. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE, 38-46.
Costa, G (2022). Teaching with no labels: An AGILE approach to ASD. epmagazine.com, Exceptional Parent Magazine. April 2022, 17-19.
Costa, G. (2021). Reconceptualizing training as professional formation in the fields of autism and infant mental health. In N. Papaneophytou and U.N. Das (Eds.), Emerging Programs for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Elsevier: Amsterdam, 211 – 236.
Costa, G. & Noroña, C.R. (2019). The art and science of obtaining a history in infant and early childhood mental health assessment. In K.A. Frankel, J.N. Harrison & W.F.M. Njoroge (Eds.), Clinical Guide to Psychiatric Assessment of Infants and Young Children. New York: Springer Publishing Co, 21-76.
DiBella, A., Sullivan, L., Costa, G. & Mulcahy, K. (2015). Keeping babies & children in mind” Promoting resiliency for infants, toddlers and young children through the support of their caregivers. New Jersey Pediatrics, Special Edition 2015, 36-37.
Costa, G., Mulrooney, K & Spinazzola, N. (2013). Stronger than the storm: Keeping infants and young children in mind during the response to superstorm Sandy, Zero to Three, November 2013, 42- 49.
Costa, G. & Sullivan (2009). What Staff Development Activities Can Be Used to Build Reflective Capacity? (Chapter 9) (2009). In S.S. Heller and L.Gilkerson (Eds.), A Practical Guide to Reflective Supervision. Washington, D.C: ZERO TO THREE Press. 149-182.
Costa, G. & Witten, M.R. (2009). Pervasive developmental disorders (Chapter 4), In B. Mowder, F. Robinson and A. Yasik (Eds.), Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Son, Publishers, 467-499.
Costa, G. (2006a). Mental Health Principles, Practices, Strategies and Dynamics Pertinent to Early Intervention Practitioners (Chapter 5), In G.M. Foley and J.D. Hochman, (Eds.), Mental Health in Early Intervention: Achieving Unity in Principles and Practice. New York: Paul T. Brookes Publishers, 113- 138.
Costa, G. (2006b). The wizard of echolalia. In. C.N. Ariel and R.A. Naseef (eds). Voices from the Spectrum: Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, People with Autism, and Professionals Share Their Wisdom. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 223-226.
Costa, G. (2004). The experience from within: Helping the child protective caseworker. Best Practice-Next Practice. Washington, D.C. National Child Welfare Resource Center for Family Centered Practice, Children’s Bureau, 4-7.
Costa, G. (2003). Better treatment for Candace: How trained psychotherapists would have approached this case (Chapter 6), In Attachment Therapy on Trial: The Torture and Death of Candace Newmaker by Mercer, J. Sarner, L and Rosa, L., Connecticut: Praeger Publishing, 135-159.
White-Tennant, G. and Costa, G. (2002). The infant mental health approach. Head Start Bulletin, 73, 6-9.